For my 2019 Happiness Project, I'm focused on boosting my energy in January.
Happiness Project

2019 Happiness Project – January

I go “whole hog” for New Year’s resolutions, goal setting, motivations, etc. It’s to my detriment when I should make a change in May and my brain says something like, “that can wait another seven months…” but in January, I’m the most motivated person you’ll meet.

(Just ask my husband. He will tell you how many goal-related conversations he’s suffered through in the last few weeks.)

In addition to and as part of my 19 for 2019, I’ve decided to tackle a Happiness Project. I first read Gretchen Rubin’s book in 2014 and became enamored of the idea. However, my desire to do things perfectly kept getting in the way. I felt like I needed to have lists and charts and plans. While all of those things are helpful, it’s better to just get started.

And so, with only a vague notion of what I’m going to do, I’ve decided that 2019 is the year of my Happiness Project. I’m going to have the same monthly focuses Gretchen had in her book, but will modify the individual tasks to fit what’s needed in my life.

January: Boost Energy

While working to boost her energy, Gretchen’s tasks were:

  • Go to sleep earlier
  • Exercise better
  • Toss, restore, organize
  • Tackle a nagging task
  • Act more energetic

I like all of these but for my month of boosting my energy, I’m focusing very specifically on my physical energy. I love organizing and getting stuff handled, but I’m looking at this through the lens of my body. My relationship with it is complicated. On a superficial level, I’d like to lose some weight, fit into some old clothes, and look better. Going deeper than that though, my mom died young; I feel like her body turned against her and am paranoid that mine could do the same. Therefore I feel compelled to do the best I can to stay healthy, fit and active so I can stick around for awhile.

#1 Go to bed earlier

It’s hard to argue with this one. Going to bed earlier helps with weight loss and overall health. If I want to have more energy, I need to give my body time to rest. So, I’ve set an alarm on my phone for 9:30 every night; when the alarm goes off, I finish what I’m doing (let’s be honest, I’m watching The Office) and head up to bed. I also have trouble falling asleep sometimes, so I bought some Olly Restful Sleep gummies. I took half a dose last night and was out. cold. for a solid eight hours.

For my January Happiness Project, where I'm focused on boosting my energy, I'll be going to bed earlier.

#2 More outside walks

I do pretty well with strength-training, but rarely choose to do any kind of cardio. However, I really enjoy walking when it’s cold out. I put on a podcast and walk around the neighborhood for 20 minutes. Lately I’ve been doing this about once a week but I’d like to bump that up to three or four.

#3 Eat more earth foods

I struggle here. I am really good about making sure my kids get enough fruits and veggies in their sweet little kid bodies, but I’m awful about ensuring the same for myself. Quite honestly, it’s probably been a year since I had the recommended five servings of fruits and veggies in a day. This month I’m going to be more mindful of what I’m eating and make better choices.

#4 Learn about intermittent fasting and carb cycling

I hear these terms being thrown around all over the internet. I have a general understanding of both, but what I don’t know is if they would be good choices for me. What I do know is that the foods that once made me feel good don’t do it anymore and so I’m willing to consider alternative eating plans.

I’m open to any and all suggestions for what else I can be doing. How do you boost your energy?

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