In March, blogger Millennial Pink Pennies is focused on aiming higher.
Happiness Project

2019 Happiness Project—March

In addition to and as part of my 19 for 2019, I’ve decided to tackle a Happiness Project. I first read Gretchen Rubin’s book in 2014 and became enamored of the idea. However, my desire to do things perfectly kept getting in the way. I felt like I needed to have lists and charts and plans. While all of those things are helpful, sometimes it’s better to just get started.

And so, with only a vague notion of what I’m going to do, I decided that 2019 is the year of my Happiness Project. I’m going to have the same monthly focuses Gretchen had in her book, but will modify the individual tasks to fit what’s needed in my life.

March: Aim higher

Gretchen’s tasks in March were:

  • Launch a blog
  • Enjoy the fun of failure
  • Ask for help
  • Work smart
  • Enjoy now

Great news! I can check the first one off this list 😉

Truth be told, I’ve struggled a bit with how to manifest this part of the Happiness Project into my daily life. It’s certainly not because I have all of this under control. Not by a long shot. 

I’m not totally sure what it is. I’m having something of a crisis of confidence at work lately though. It’s possible that it’s a residual effect of feeling depressed and anxious lately. I’m just feeling a little bit stuck.

Anyway, here’s what I’m focusing on for March.

#1 Use my planner

I have an awesome planner that I love. (I’ve been a paper goods dork forever.) It’s super effective… when I use it.

Sometimes I get lazy. I’ll be working from home, knowing that I have a to-do list written in my planner. But the planner is all the way on the other side of the room and I don’t feel like moving, so… I’ll just clear these emails and check that thing and do a bunch of other little stuff that doesn’t really move the needle forward.

But when I use my planner, I’m a better everything. Better employee, better wife, better mom, better manager of things. So this month I’m adding a reminder to my Outlook calendar for 9:00 each morning to get out my planner.

#2 Stop procrastinating

Unfortunately, I am someone who procrastinates sometimes. I never miss a deadline… but if it’s a task I’m lukewarm about, I’ll take my sweet time getting to it. I’ve known this about myself for a long time. This month, I’m going to spend some time trying to figure out why I’m like this so I can develop a strategy to combat this tendency.

#3 Cultivate my networks

I’m so uncomfortable with networking. That’s one of the reasons I love Girlboss Events. The mixers are so fun and the women involved are so kind and friendly. It doesn’t feel like networking, but rather hanging out with friends when I’m at a Girlboss event.

I have a network at my day job too, but the stakes feel monstrously high there. My imposter syndrome often makes me feel like I don’t really belong, even though everyone there is perfectly nice. This month I’m going to try and set up a few one-to-one meetings with people I haven’t talked to recently.

I’ve lost 11 days this month already.

I’m definitely behind schedule this month, but I think that’s ok. Part of a good Happiness Project is feeling happy, and I’ve spent some time this month spending time doing happy-making things like spending time with my babies and husband. Time well spent!

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