Mindfulness + Minimalism

Crystals: A Blast From the Past

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Do any of my fellow older-ish millennials remember how cool it was to collect gems and crystals when we were in early elementary school?

Just me?

I remember going to a gift shop that sold gems at a local park. My friends and I would pick our favorites, usually based on color and sparkliness. Eventually I outgrew this interest, tossed the rocks in a box, and then proceeded to move nine times in 10 years, carting the box with me from place to place because although I’m a minimalist, I’m a sucker for sparkly things.

I never in a million years thought I’d be bringing them back out, and especially not as decor or for their healing properties.

I’ve been intrigued by the resurgence of the popularity of crystals and when I’m intrigued by something, I revert back to student status and start researching. I headed to the library up the street and checked out a copy of The Crystal Bible to learn the basics.

A crystal is a solid body with a geometrically regular shape. There are seven possible forms for a crystal: triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, rhomboid, parallelogram and trapezium.

At the heart of the crystal is the atom and its component parts. Because atoms are dynamic, crystals are a “seething molecular mass vibrating at a certain frequency.” This is what gives a crystal its energy.

Crystals can of course be used for decoration and jewelry, but there are other ways to use crystals as well. Some stones, such as smoky quartz and black tourmaline, can be used for protection from negativity and electromagnetic smog.

Others can be used for their powers of attraction; for example, citrine attracts wealth and helps you keep it. And finally, someone with proper training can use stones for healing and to bring balance.

When you get a new crystal, it’s recommended that you program it first. This means you clean the stone and then dedicate it to focus the energy. To do this, hold it in your hands, picture it surrounded by light and announce its purpose. Repeat if needed. Stones should be cleansed periodically as you use them too – either by water, a cleaning agent, or sunlight or moonlight, depending on the type of stone.

If you’re interested in starting a collection, the crystals and stones below are great options; they’re easily obtained and have multiple helpful and healing properties.

Amethyst is purple with pointed crystals. It calms the mind, can help you focus and provides emotional centering.

Rose quartz is – no surprise – pink. It’s the stone of unconditional love. Placing it near your bed can draw love and relationships to you. From a healing perspective, it strengthens the heart and circulatory system, helps chest and lung problems, and is said to increase fertility.

Clear quartz is – ok, you probably guessed the color (or lack thereof). It’s one of the most powerful healing crystals on the planet due to its unique crystalline form. I think of clear quartz as an amplifier. It can absorb, store and regulate energy

Citrine is yellowish to brown with transparent crystals. It’s a powerful cleanser, carrying the power of the sun. Citrine is a stone of abundance, attracting wealth and success. Beyond that, it raises self-confidence, enhances concentration and promotes joy in life.

Lapis lazuli is dark blue with flecks of gold. It’s a protective stone that encourages taking charge of life. It can also alleviate migraine headaches… so I’m sold.

All the information I’ve shared above came from The Crystal Bible, but I found a number of stories online that have been helpful in learning about crystals as well.

Crystal Crash Course: A Beginner’s Guide to Healing Crystals

7 Healing Crystals for Modern Ailments and How to Use Them

The 8 Essential Crystals

I think I may put together a small tray of crystals for my office and the house as well. I have rose quartz, amethyst and clear quartz, but after flipping through The Crystal Bible, there are about a dozen others I think I could use!

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